Top 5 Tips for Eco-Friendly Gardening

Creating an eco-friendly garden will not only reduce waste but will also allow more reliable sources of energy entering. Another benefit of an eco-friendly garden is to provide a variety of habitats outside your home.
Here are the top five tips for eco-friendly gardening.

1. Welcome the friendly bugs

A natural garden is meant to be loud, filled with bees buzzing and the birds chirping. Birds help protect our gardens as they eat pests that may harm plants. Attract the friendly bugs and birds by adding nesting boxes and bird feeders to your garden.

2. Reduce Water

Gardens tend to take up a lot of water, but you don’t have to use large amounts. Start by planting plants that don’t require a ton of water. Try to plant directly in the ground so that the plants will need less water. As for maintenance, water deeply once, a week to give your plants enough water without overhydrating them. Consider retention systems such as gutter rainwater collection of downspouts that slowly spread water throughout the garden.

3. Use Native Plants

Plant native plants that work well when to close together. Native plants will help each other grow and prosper for the months to come. Your local gardening shop will you match which plants will work best for your area. Remember to rotate your plant to help keep the soil healthy and sustainable.


4. Create Compost

Instead of purchasing soil from the local gardening shop, use compost instead. Not only is it an easy way to give your garden its nutrients, but it is also friendlier on your wallet and environment. Adding compost to your garden will encourage plant growth, retain moisture, prevent plant disease and works as a great natural alternative to chemical products.

5. Reduce, Reuse, & Recycle

Use recyclable packaging to reuse your products. Create compost by using vegetable peelings, plan clippings, and even cardboard to contribute to reducing waste.

Whether you’re looking for more eco-friendly ideas or simply want to make your garden as natural as possible, there are plenty of ways to help Mother Nature without breaking the bank. What other eco-friendly tips do you have? Comment below and let us know!